Monday, October 4, 2021

How to Overcome Fusarium Wilt Disease on Chili Plants

   Image: Chili attacked by Fusarium disease

Often chilies that were healthy in the vegetative period suddenly wilt on the leaves and after experiencing this phase, chilies usually die. Often this disease occurs during the rainy season, because the soil is too wet and sometimes it gets flooded due to a poor ditch system so that the water does not flow easily. 

Image: Chilli root affected by Fusarium

Let's discuss the mainstay farmers. To prevent or overcome this disease, we must do special tips from the time of seeding to the planting process, here are tips to prevent wilt or fusarium disease: 

1. Pay attention to the seeds, we must often water the seeds with fungicides
   Fungicides that are used early may be useful during the seeding period to prevent and treat fungal diseases or fusarium bacteria, so that when the seeds are planted they have good resistance and are strong and easy to live and fast to germinate. 

2. Create a mound with a rather wide and deep trench 
    We try when it rains it doesn't get flooded, so that water can flow into the drainage ditch when we have done this correctly, fusarium disease does not attack the chili roots which causes death of the chili stems and avoids transmission. the ideal is 80 cm with the ideal width, the spacing is also rather wide, try to keep the distance between the chili plants from touching the roots and leaves, so this method is an effective way to prevent fusarium disease. 

3. Pay attention to fertilization techniques 
   If technique of fertilizing one it will affect the Fusarium chilli plants easily invade and spread so that the chili would die slowly because of root rot and wilt the leaves then dry up and die, Hai 🙋 farmers do not underestimate the mainstay of fertilization techniques. Then how to apply the correct fertilization technique that needs to be considered is the distance between the chili stem and the point of land where we want to pour fertilizer. The correct and ideal distance is 10 cm from the stem, don't be in a hurry when pouring fertilizer that has been diluted, this if you do this liquid fertilizer can feel perfectly underground if this is ignored the chili will easily wither and die

4. Pay attention to the element of fertilizer that Fusarium really likes
   The element of fertilizer that is susceptible to fusarium disease is the element of nitrogen, if the application of fertilizer containing nitrogen is excessive then the fusarium will be very easy to develop and attack because of this, it is better for reliable farmers to reduce fertilizers containing nitrogen. by spraying it to avoid direct contact with the chili roots, so the chili roots don't rot easily

5. Pay attention to the PH content in the soil media
    Is it enough, less or more. If the pH of the soil is less, it will certainly result in the growth of chilies being less good or even bad. The soil PH element that does not meet the standards makes it one of the factors for the development of Fusarium bacteria, Fusarium is very easy to grow on land that lacks PH elements so that the growth of chili will be hampered even to the point of death. So from that, it's just a suggestion, it's better for reliable farmers to have a good soil PH measuring instrument so that the measurement results are accurate

6. Use Dolomite to increase soil PH
   Good dolomite will very quickly add to the soil PH element, if the soil that is the planting medium is processed to reach a soil PH size that meets the standard, the chili will grow very easily and will absorb the nutrients available in the soil very quickly, resulting in fusarium disease. this is not easy to grow and attack chili plants

If these six tips have been carried out correctly and correctly, hopefully fusarium disease will be easily overcome

So, those are the tips that we can share with you guys, hopefully it will be useful


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