Friday, October 14, 2022

Benefit of Cassava Leaf for Health

Did you know that cassava leaves have health benefits?

In this article we will discuss about the benefits and functions for the health of the human body. In cassava leaves there is calcium which can increase bone density. By consuming cassava leaves. 

Some of the nutrients contained in cassava leaves: 

1. Protein 

2. Vitamins including vitamin B1 and vitamin B2 and Vitamin C 

3. Potassium 

4. Calcium 

5. Carbohydrates 

6. Magnesium 

7. Iron 

1. Protein is useful for producing energy and for repairing damaged cells and can produce new cells so that the body becomes healthier and keeps fit 

2. Vitamin B1 is used to produce energy so that usually if we consume something rich in vitamin B1 then our energy will be stronger with energy, vitamin B12 contained in cassava leaves is also useful for converting into energy so that our bodies become energized and become strong, Vitamin C contained in cassava leaves serves to keep our bodies strong and healthy as a material for me to withstand our bodies so that they are not susceptible to viruses or diseases. 

3. Potassium contained in cassava leaves is useful for keeping our bones strong and not easily porous and can maintain bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis 

4. Calcium contained in cassava leaves is also used to repair damaged bone cells and the formation of new cells so that bone health will be maintained so that it remains strong 

5. These nutrients contained in cassava leaves can lose weight because they contain a lot of carbohydrates which have the effect of not being hungry easily, then cassava leaves are the right vegetables for a diet or weight loss program

 6. Magnesium is also useful for maintaining bone health and density and is not easily porous 

7. The iron contained in cassava leaves is also to maintain and create healthy red blood cells so that our bodies do not get tired easily 

How to Cook Cassava Leaves 

1. Take young cassava leaves 

2. Boil the cassava leaves with water mixed with enough salt until it boils and the cassava leaves already look soft 

3. Then drain the boiled cassava leaves until the water is a little 

4. Then we start cooking based on the menu that we have planned in coconut milk or stir-fry or just so it's just a cake


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