Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Benefits of Aloe Vera Plant for Hair

Did you know that the aloe vera plant has many benefits for the health of our hair?

In this article we will learn about what are the benefits of the aloe vera plant for our hair.

Aloe vera is one of the plants that has very thick leaves that have enzymes in the leaves
Here are the benefits of the aloe vera plant 
1. Strengthens hair growth because aloe vera leaves contain aloe-nim compounds and vitamin B12 in it so that it can keep hair from falling out easily, besides that aloe vera contains vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin C which are useful for stimulating hair growth 
2. Treat oily hair Aloe vera is a plant that contains enzymes that can break down fat, and the flesh of the gel in the aloe vera leaf can be a natural ingredient to reduce excess oil in the hair so that the hair does not get limp. 
3. Treating damaged hair due to dryness Besides being able to break down aloe vera fat, it can also repair dry hair by taking the flesh of the gel and then rubbing it on the hair and scalp until evenly distributed and let stand for 1 hour then rinse with shampoo. In addition, aloe vera has been tested to repair damaged hair because it contains collagen and B vitamins 
4. Overcoming syborrheic dermatitis, which is an inflammatory disease of the scalp that causes redness of the skin, itching, and scaly skin conditions that become dandruff. Fatty acids are quite effective anti-inflammatory for treating syborrheic dermatitis
How to process aloe vera plant for hair 
1. Take aloe vera leaf with a sharp knife to cut it 
2. Clean by washing first 
3. Cut the aloe vera leaf with a length of 5 cm 
4. Then peel and take the flesh that is shaped like a jelly 
5. Then soften the gel with a clean pulp 
6. Then rub it into the hair and scalp gently and slowly until evenly distributed 
7. Let stand a few moments then rinse with clean water 
8. Do this regularly After this, our hair will be more shiny, not too limp and dry and the scalp that used to be reddish and has lots of dandruff will look healthy. 
Planting aloe vera plants is certainly very easy, that is, only by preparing a pot filled with fertile soil, then planting aloe vera seeds and doing regular watering and fertilizing, besides this plant is useful for healthy hair and scalp. .. Greetings healthy
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